General Flynn | 102 Days Until Election | Trump Assassination Attempt? Cyber Attacks? Biden 101? Great Reset Isn't Discussed By Republican Party? Union Station Attacks? Bird Flu & Plandemic Part 2? Central Banks Buying Gold?
Bio-Cyber Interfaces for Intrabody Molecular Communications Systems, wireless medical telemetry a healthcare worker can remotely measure biological signals and control certain processes [OPTOGENETICS] - WBAN - IoBnT
During last night’s Senate hearing into our COVID 19 Vaccine Discrimination Bill representatives from Moderna couldn’t provide the numbers of serious adverse reactions from their COVID mRNA injection.
The Great Reset | "A Cyber-Attack w/ COVID-Like Characteristics Could Spread Faster & Further Than Any Biological Virus, It's Reproductive Rate Would Be Around 10X Greater Than What We've Experienced with the Corona Virus." - WEF