GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David
Countdown Clock | "King Charles Helped Turn On a Climate Clock, Counting Down the Seconds to 2030." - June 28th 2023 + White House "U.S. & Leaders Came Together to Recommit to the 2030 Agenda." - White House (9/20/23)
Robin Bullock | "AI Will Become the Voice of the Prophet to the Church. This Is What Chips And Neural Implants Will Accomplish. Those Who Take a Chip Will Hear the Voice of the False Prophet Through the A.I. Programs. BEWARE." (7.2.23)
Dazed And Confused | Are We Living In the Last Daze? Dazed Is America Be Deceived At Scale? Are We Witnessing Revelation 18:23? "A Message of Hope for a World That Is Perpetually Dazed & Confused" with Jamie Cha
Rudy Giuliani | Gold Price Hits All-Time High Again!!! | "Central Banks In 2022-23 Bought Something Like 50% More Gold Than They Had Bought In Any of the Previous 10 Years." - Clive Thompson (4/9/24) + Mayor Giuliani Joins Tour
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Interview with Tucker Carlson | "Mike Pompeo Said to Me Before Dinner, The Entire Upper Echelon of That Agency Is Made Up of Individuals That Do Not Believe In the Democratic Institutions of the United States." - 8.14.23