Central Bank Digital Currency | Freedom-Killing Programmable Currency Explained In 4 Minutes "The Central Bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of (currency) that central bank liability."
CBDCs | Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies Are HERE!!! + Why Is Dr. Eric Nepute Being Sued by the Federal Trade Commission for $508,000,000,000?
COVID-19 Tests | "FAUCI Does Not Mind Going On Television and Lie Directly Into the Camera. With PCR If You Do It Well You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Karry Mullis (Inventor of the PCR Tests)
PCR Tests | Is the PCR-Test Creating a Massive Number of Falsely Inflated Positive COVID-19 Cases? Can the PCR Test Potentially Find Anything That You Are Looking for Depending On How High You Turn It Up?
The Remnant Church | 12.01.22 | They're Not Attacking America, They're Attacking CHRIST!!! Ezekial 37:3 "3 And He Said Unto Me, Son of Man, Can These Bones Live? And I Answered, O Lord God, Thou Knowest." + The Connection Between CERN,
Dr. Zelenko | "It's Likely That the COVID-19 Vaccine May Suppress the Immune System." Dr. Zelenko | "It's Likely That the COVID-19 Vaccine May Suppress the Immune System." - Dr. Zelenko + What Did (Ye) Kanye West Say?
CBDC | "The CBDC Digital Dollar Will Be the End of the Banking System As We Know It. The Hamilton System Controlled by The FED Verifies All Transactions. There Would Be No Privacy and the Fed Is Your Banker."