THE YANUKA,il rabbino Shlomo Yehuda Be'eri Shilta,Jizkiahu Ben David DOCUMENTARIO DEL 1/8/2021 Un'affascinante documentario sulla sua vita che commemorava il compleanno dei 33 anni del messiah ebraico apparso in Israele il 27 marzo 2021
TPM’s Ari Hoffman on Seattles' first homicide suspect in 2023 being a repeat offender previously released by progressive bail fund: "They are also paying to bail out a bunch of Antifa activists during the 'Summer of Love' in 2020&quo
Kayla Gabay, who served in the IDF's Search and Rescue and is mother to a 10-month-old, tells TPM's Ari Hoffman about her experience in Israel right now