2 years agoBattlefield 2042 FPS Fixes/Tips | PC Max Settings 5120x1440 32:9 | RTX 3090 | Conquest GameplayUdubUltraVerified
3 years agoBattlefield 2042 | PC Max Settings 5120x1440 32:9 | RTX 3090 | Multiplayer GameplayUdubUltraVerified
2 years agoBattlefield 2042 POV FPS Fixes/Tips | PC Max Settings 5120x1440 32:9 | RTX 3090 | Conquest GameplayUdubUltraVerified
2 years agoasising the importance of having a grand scale is an element of the Battlefield series.hillmckee
2 years agoBattlefield 2: Modern Combat was the first Battlefield game in the series topollackklempere
2 years agoBattlefield 2042 POV | PC Max Settings 5120x1440 32:9 | RTX 3090 | AMD 5900x | Patch 4.0 | DLSSUdubUltraVerified