H.R.6090 | Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 | Is U.S. Dollar About to Collapse? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? 98% of Central Banks Are Researching, Piloting or Deploying CBDC." - World Economic Forum (4/16/24)
Dollar Collapse | "We Need to Talk About the Failure of the Dollar. The Failure of the Dollar Is Coming And It's Coming Soon. The FDIC Has Only A Little Over 1 Penny In Reserve for Every Insured Dollar In the FDIC Banks." - Lynette Zang (IT
WW3 Update: BOMBSHELL! A Ticking Time Bomb is About to Go Off in Trump's Face / The Economic Collapse Biden left for the USA. This will take out a lot of banks you have money in. 13m