Business | "He (Clay Clark) Has Helped Us Increase Our Revenue By Over 300% In Less Than a Year So Far. Clay Clark Has Helped Us with Every Aspect of Our Business from Hiring to Training to Marketing and Even Accounting." - Rachel & Tyler
Business | "I Know That Clay Is Speaking from Experience. Clay Has Actually Lived This With Having Opened Up Several Successful Businesses. There Is An Opportunity Every Single Hour to Ask Questions." - Alexa Jones
Entrepreneur Podcast | Why You Must WOW Your Customers Each & Every Time If You Want to Grow NOW!!! + How to Dramatically Increase Your Website Conversion Rates with Franchise Brand Developer, Matt Kline | The Success Story | “He’s been systematizing every single part of them, that sometimes it takes a few times to hear something just like The Bible. It’s really actionable information.” - Ryan Wimpey
Business Podcast | Why Does Every Successful Business Needs an Effective Manager? | “The Definition of Insanity Is Not Doing the Same Successful Thing Over And Over And Expecting Profitable Results.” - Clay Clark