8 months agoThe World-Stage Power Structure, Controlled-Opposition Agents, Flat Earth, Gematria and MoreLiberty TV
8 months agoIRREFUTABLE PROOF: The Sun and Moon Are Local! Heliocentric Lie of the Satanic NWO Cabal EXPOSED!Liberty TV
8 months agoCan the NWO Cabal Track, Target and Control Flat-Earthers via Flat-Earth Apps? Use Your Discernment!Liberty TV
7 months agoThey're Losing Control of the Biggest Psyop Narrative, so They Cause Chaos Worldwide to Distract ...Liberty TV
7 months agoSOLID EVIDENCE ! The Sun Is Not 93 Million Miles Away ! It Is Local ! Heliocentrism Is a BIG LIE !Liberty TV
7 months agoZipping through Flat Earth! Fasten Your Seat Belts! The Horizon Remains at Eye Level = 100% F. E.!Liberty TV
7 months agoMOON LOGIC: The Moon Is Flat, Case Closed! Don't Be Duped by NASA Trolls, Esp. on Cabal-Run YouTube!Liberty TV
7 months agoNASA Fans, WAKE UP! The Sun Is Local, Not 93 Million Miles Away in Space, Which Does Not Exist!Liberty TV
7 months agoOur Local Sun FOR DUMMIES - Overwhelming Evidence of the Local Sun! Lawsuits against NASA Can Begin!Liberty TV
7 months agoDownload the Core Evidential Videos on Local Sun, Plasma Moon & Flat Earth for Safekeeping & SharingLiberty TV
7 months agoCYBERATTACK ALERT: Banks Worldwide May Be Attacked as Part of the AI-NWO Plan for Digital ID & CBDCLiberty TV
7 months agoIn 2020, NWO Great-Reset Puppet Klaus Schwab Warned of Cyberattacks - Learn How to Counterattack !Liberty TV
7 months agoGreat Reset: The Satanic Purpose of Covid/Flu Shot & Internet of Bio-Nano Things (EXTENDED VERSION)Liberty TV
6 months agoWhy Stars Circle around Polaris in the N. Hemisphere & Circle away from Polaris in the S. HemisphereLiberty TV
6 months agoTrump, Biden, Trudeau, Macron, Netanyahu, Putin, etc. Obey the Roman AI-NWO Cabal, NOT Zionist CabalLiberty TV
6 months agoAsteroids, Solar Storm, Outer Space and Globe Earth Do Not Exist! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Run NASA!Liberty TV
6 months agoFORMATION OF MOON PHASES: The Part of the Moon in 'Shadow' Does Not Exist! Don't Be Duped by NASA!Liberty TV
5 months agoURGENT MESSAGE: AI NWO Is Approaching + How You Could Stop It | Dr. Sherri Tenpenny & Liberty TVLiberty TV
5 months agoURGENT MESSAGE: Human Race Is Under Attack + How You Could Stop It | Savehumans21 & Liberty TVLiberty TV
5 months ago"Eliminated" YAHYA SINWAR = JESUIT ORDER? They Keep You Distracted from Mother of All Conspiracies!Liberty TV
6 months agoGOOD/BAD YOU DECIDE: Donald Trump Announces Elon Musk Will Head Audit of "Entire Federal Government"Liberty TV
1 year agoPro Staffer Phil exclusive! Picker's Paradise 2.0 Living the dream in Southern IllinoisEverything land, outdoors & property!