Q Stating They Are Saving Israel For Last Fits Into Biblical Prophecy of Beast vs Whore, The Utter Insanity of Anon Posts Involving Trump Assassination Attempt, Iran Gives Hezbollah EMP Weapons, Kamala Supposedly Beating Trump In Polls, Resources For You
NOTIZIE DAL MONDO La guida suprema dell'Iran,l'ayatollah Ali Khamenei,ha dichiarato che gli Stati Uniti e i sionisti d'Israele sono direttamente responsabili della caduta del governo di Assad in Siria da parte dei jihadisti di HTS
Discontent of Iran's People Against Iranian Regime, Hacking SSN's of Americans A Psyop To Push Mark of the Beast Tech, Elon Musk, Maye Musk, Hooker's Ball, Baphomet, The Great Lie of "Lost Books of the Bible"