1. Florida cop fired after using stun gun on panhandler who was ‘not resisting’

    Florida cop fired after using stun gun on panhandler who was ‘not resisting’

  2. Special Tactics Hones Tactical, Command and Control Skills During Humanitarian Relief Simulation

    Special Tactics Hones Tactical, Command and Control Skills During Humanitarian Relief Simulation

  3. US Legislation Laws on Child Sex Trafficking

    US Legislation Laws on Child Sex Trafficking

  4. Directions for Living | Morning Blend

    Directions for Living | Morning Blend

  5. Disaster Response Tips for Shelter Workers and Counselors After a Hurricane

    Disaster Response Tips for Shelter Workers and Counselors After a Hurricane

  6. 10+ Tips to Stop Catastrophizing with Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes

    10+ Tips to Stop Catastrophizing with Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes

  7. 8 Questions to Overcome Distress | Challenging Questions FACE PALM | CBT Therapist Aid

    8 Questions to Overcome Distress | Challenging Questions FACE PALM | CBT Therapist Aid

  8. Cued Progressive Muscle Relaxation | A Meditation for Anxiety

    Cued Progressive Muscle Relaxation | A Meditation for Anxiety

  9. Learned Empowerment | Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

    Learned Empowerment | Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

  10. Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes: Preventing Self Sabotage

    Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes: Preventing Self Sabotage

  11. Hardiness, Serenity and Learned Helplessness | Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

    Hardiness, Serenity and Learned Helplessness | Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

  12. Surviving Toxic Parents Live Stream Replay with Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes

    Surviving Toxic Parents Live Stream Replay with Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes

  13. Best Tips to Develop Respect for Yourself and Others | 10 Weeks to Love and Abundance

    Best Tips to Develop Respect for Yourself and Others | 10 Weeks to Love and Abundance

  14. 15 Tips to Cope with Social Anxiety | Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

    15 Tips to Cope with Social Anxiety | Live Chat with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

  15. Turning FEAR into POWER | A Quickstart Guide for Managing Anxiety

    Turning FEAR into POWER | A Quickstart Guide for Managing Anxiety

  16. Releasing Anger Anxiety and Depression | Happiness Masterclass

    Releasing Anger Anxiety and Depression | Happiness Masterclass
