5 years agoRare Astronomical Event 11-11-19, Major Earth Changes, Mercury Retrograde, John HogueLeak ProjectVerified
5 years agoCalifornia Towns Enforcing Curfews During Possible Week Long Power Outage, 1.5 Million Without PowerLeak ProjectVerified
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5 years agoThis Star is 800 Million Years Older Than The Universe, How is That Possible? We Ask a GeologistLeak ProjectVerified
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5 years agoMassive Military Drill in California, UN in SLC? Directed Energy Systems, Inventor Lee WheelbargerLeak ProjectVerified
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5 years agoMassive UFO Recovered Intact with Occupants in Aztec NM, Major Cover-up, LatestLeak ProjectVerified
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5 years agoIran, Russia & China Hold Joint Military Drills, Elevated Security at Big Cities, Gold Blasts OffLeak ProjectVerified
5 years agoMajor Military Wargames at 29 Palms California During Fires, 2.7 Million no PowerLeak ProjectVerified
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