7 months agoOrthodox Liturgy - The Most Beautiful EpiclesisHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoWhy Are Orthodox Priests Allowed to Be Married?HTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoJordan Peterson Praises Orthodox ChristianityHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoThe Olympic Blasphemy, w/ Fr Josiah TrenhamHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoThe Hideous Evil of the Paris Olympics Opening, w/ Fr MichailHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoAmerican Gnosticism, w/ Fr Maximos ConstasHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoGod Willing!? w/ Fr Josiah TrenhamHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
7 months agoDoes Evil Exist? What is "Evil?", w/ Bishop Lazar PuhaloHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
5 months agoProsper In Paradise, w/Fr TryphonHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
5 months agoSaint Anthony Greek Orthodox Monastery of ArizonaHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
8 months agoCelebrity Superstars, Witchcraft and SatanismQuestions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
4 months agoThis Is Your Church: The life and work of The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of AmericaHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
10 months agoFrom Punk Rocker To Priest: How Fr. John Valadez Discovered OrthodoxyHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
10 months agoReturn to Orthodoxy and stay put, for the good of your soul!, by Fr Paul BabaHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
8 months agoWas Karl Marx a Satanist? w/ Dr. Paul KengorQuestions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
9 months agoDemons Made Me Masturbate. Set FREE from pornography and masturbation!Questions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
9 months agoPaul Tripp gives counsel: How Can I Overcome the Sin of Pornography?Questions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
9 months agoAdvice To Overcome Pornography & Self-AbuseQuestions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
9 months agoChristian Eyes and Pornography, Fr Josiah TrenhamQuestions on Contemporary Issues? * Answers: constantinalecse@gmail.com
6 months agoHistory of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America [ROEA version]Mitropolia ROMA - Holy Trinity Church, Los Angeles [www.biserica.org]
10 months agoOrthodox Church in Kenya - Divine LiturgyHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse
4 months agoElon Musk holds town hall event in PennsylvaniaHTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse