The Real Meaning of What is Happening in the Middle East and the World in General Right Now + More on NPC's and/or The #BackfillPeople! | Jean Noland of “Inspired”
The U.S. is Officially a 3rd-World Country — America has Likely Karmically Earned itself an Upcoming FULL-ON 2nd Amendment-Driven Civil War! | Jean Noland of “Inspired”.
WORLD IN CHAOS—There is a Way Out! (You May Choose to Believe You're Not Responsible for Your Trauma, That's Fine; But Believing You're Not Responsible for Your Healing is 100% REJECTED by the Universe) | Jean Noland, “Inspired".
When the Worlds of Alex Jones and Law of Attraction Teachers Merge: Reset Wars! | Vibrationally Preparing for the Return of Mask Mandates and New Lockdowns