“YOU have to BE BRAVE now" Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer VP & Chief Scientific Officer, "BIGGEST GLOBAL CRIME in history w/intent of control, removing everybody's freedom & its killing BILLIONs of people
The Great Reset | "The Whole Agenda Is to Create a One World Government Where Everybody Has An RFID Chip Implanted In Them. All Money Is to Be In Those Chips. There Will Be No More Cash & This Is Coming from Rockefeller Himself." - Aaron Rus
Yuval Noah Harari | "(AI) It Makes It Possible to Create Total Surveillance Regimes. Every Dictator In History Dreamt About Following Everybody All the Time. It Is Becoming Possible to Create a Total Surveillance Regime."
CBDCs | “What We’ve Seen Is Everybody Has a Friction Point of CBDC Interoperability and That’s Something We Solved In 2018. So We Are Quite Ahead of the Market to Be Able to Implement." - Gilbert Verdian (Founder and CEO of Quant)
May 1, 2024 Prof. Dolores Cahill: "Everybody who has had an mRNA injection will die within 3 to 5 years, even if they have had only one injection" (Cahill issued this warning in 2021 Please see enclosed document)