2 years agoAll of the mimes have been trapped in actual invisible boxes | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoAs a lazy tailor would say, "suture self!" | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoThat does seem to be a pattern, doesn't it? | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoDoes Baljeet have a crush on Isabella? | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoIt's a Mexican Jewish Cultural Festival! | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoShe's Perry! Perry The Teenage Girl! | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoJust be careful, cause I worry about you | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoIsabella Gets her Line Stolen... Twice! | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoTo truly understand my predicament, I feel it would be best expressed in a song | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoWho's tap tap tapping? Is that that pesky raven again? | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoPerry's Theme Played on Carl's Wisker | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoMy dating life has been a seemingly endless series of disappointments | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoWhat girls talk about when the guys are gone | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for
2 years agoIt's not a party, it's an intimate get together! | Phineas and FerbThose clips you've been looking for