Enki’s Return(!?), ET's and Nuclear War, Restoring Adamic DNA, Juan O’Savin and the Q-Theory That Trump is Still President, the “Return of Jesus”, and More! — With 15 Min WE in 5D Opening Intro | Alex Collier Interviewed by Michael Salla
Planet Serpo: Inside the ZETA RETICULI Exchange Program (with a Re-Enactment Inserted) — One of the Most Revealing Videos! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
Preparing for 4D Pre-5D, and How Heavy Chronic Negative Thoughts Would Destroy You in the 4D! — The Realm of Dreams, the Effects of Thought, Change That Heals, and More! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
You are ALWAYS Destined for Peace, Love, and Happiness... So Just Endure and Complete the Karmic Lesson AND KEEP THE FAITH! An Individual's Lesson or Chosen Theme can Feel Never-Ending, So a Combination of Perseverance and FAITH is Key.