1. Biden cuenta que se reunió con un presidente que murió hace casi 30 años

    Biden cuenta que se reunió con un presidente que murió hace casi 30 años

  2. Biden cuenta que se reunió con un presidente que murió hace casi 30 años

    Biden cuenta que se reunió con un presidente que murió hace casi 30 años

  3. Die Ermordung von Coluche und der aus Paaren und Familien gemachte Deep State

    Die Ermordung von Coluche und der aus Paaren und Familien gemachte Deep State

  4. Karine Grey-Poupon: It's Not Uncommon For Presidents To Lie About Meetings With Dead People

    Karine Grey-Poupon: It's Not Uncommon For Presidents To Lie About Meetings With Dead People

  5. #JoeSclerosis Biden confuses Angela Merkel with Helmut Koll

    #JoeSclerosis Biden confuses Angela Merkel with Helmut Koll

  6. Jean-Pierre on Biden Claiming He Recently Spoke to a French President Who Died in 1996: ‘I’m Not Even Going To Go Down that Rabbit Hole’

    Jean-Pierre on Biden Claiming He Recently Spoke to a French President Who Died in 1996: ‘I’m Not Even Going To Go Down that Rabbit Hole’

  7. Christine Deviers Joncour au dîner de J. ATTALI: le sujet ? La dépopulation.

    Christine Deviers Joncour au dîner de J. ATTALI: le sujet ? La dépopulation.

  8. E018 EURO: A Political Project that Detached Monetary Policy from Fiscal Policy and Created the Mess

    E018 EURO: A Political Project that Detached Monetary Policy from Fiscal Policy and Created the Mess

  9. Amer Kmer clash Les Escocs (PRÉSI AMOT X JEAN LOUIS LGBTQIA) = de François Mitterrand jusqu’à Emmanu

    Amer Kmer clash Les Escocs (PRÉSI AMOT X JEAN LOUIS LGBTQIA) = de François Mitterrand jusqu’à Emmanu

  10. Nicolas Hulot quitte « définitivement » la vie publique

    Nicolas Hulot quitte « définitivement » la vie publique

  11. French Economist Jacques Attali On Vaccines

    French Economist Jacques Attali On Vaccines

  12. if we had known what you were going to become, a kind of arrogant, dominating empire, all that,

    if we had known what you were going to become, a kind of arrogant, dominating empire, all that,
