1. Discus Throw practice for Senior Olympics, 142 feet

    Discus Throw practice for Senior Olympics, 142 feet

  2. Medieval Dynasty New Settlement REVIEW on Quest 3

    Medieval Dynasty New Settlement REVIEW on Quest 3

  3. LiveStream Thursday Free @KC Littleowl and other YT isms

    LiveStream Thursday Free @KC Littleowl and other YT isms

  4. "The Fascinating History of Ladyfinger: From Ancient Origins to Modern Delights"

    "The Fascinating History of Ladyfinger: From Ancient Origins to Modern Delights"

  5. 365lbs x 2 Raw Bench, quick and easy, Crazy 🤪 old man

    365lbs x 2 Raw Bench, quick and easy, Crazy 🤪 old man
