YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 5 - You Are MY Hidden Treasure, You Are MY Hidden Weapon! "The footsteps of the Godly are ordained by YAHUVEH. Keep following MY footsteps and lead others unto ME."
Amightywind Prophecy 12 - Daughters of Destiny, Come Forth! "You stand in MY anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny this day."
Prophecy 48 - Yisrael, Your Enemies Seek To Make You A Scapegoat! "you Jews did not crucify, I, YAHUSHUA. It was the Romans that nailed ME to that cross. The Romans sacrificed MY Children.."
Prophecy 47 To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed! Mad science Clones covered indepth! YAH gives instruction how to fight Zombie Invasion in Great Tribulation (carnal weaponry useless) & more mirrored
Amightywind Prophecy 61 - Where are all MY Holy Men that lift up their Holy hands to ME, YAHUVEH? "MY Good Book is only referred to as another book. The laws are referred to as outdated."
Amightywind Prophecy 81 - Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You! "The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven." Has much power, not anyone can touch it