1. Covered Calls - Netflix How to turn a 1 4% ROI into a 3 6% in a WEEK 👀

    Covered Calls - Netflix How to turn a 1 4% ROI into a 3 6% in a WEEK 👀

  2. How Do Covered Calls Work?

    How Do Covered Calls Work?

  3. Covered Call Income Don't Research Yourself To Death

    Covered Call Income Don't Research Yourself To Death

  4. Covered Calls - Using 10 week and 40 week moving averages bonus

    Covered Calls - Using 10 week and 40 week moving averages bonus

  5. Covered Calls -Options Definition and Pricing 06

    Covered Calls -Options Definition and Pricing 06

  6. See how Wall Street makes money (and keeps it a secret from you).

    See how Wall Street makes money (and keeps it a secret from you).

  7. Covered Calls - Why you MUST defend your position 40A

    Covered Calls - Why you MUST defend your position 40A

  8. YOU PAY 100% IN TAXES!... WHAT?

    YOU PAY 100% IN TAXES!... WHAT?

  9. Covered Calls - $3K in 1 day!

    Covered Calls - $3K in 1 day!

  10. Covered Calls - Synthetics - Deciding on Your Synthetic Base 28AA

    Covered Calls - Synthetics - Deciding on Your Synthetic Base 28AA

  11. Covered Calls - How I am Leveraging My Last TSLA Trade

    Covered Calls - How I am Leveraging My Last TSLA Trade

  12. We Aren't Taught About Money

    We Aren't Taught About Money

  13. Covered Calls How To Roll A Position 33A

    Covered Calls How To Roll A Position 33A

  14. Covered Call Examples - NOW, PANW

    Covered Call Examples - NOW, PANW

  15. Shopify 1.25% return for this week

    Shopify 1.25% return for this week

  16. Passive Income from the Stock Market

    Passive Income from the Stock Market

  17. Covered Call - Results on Shopify

    Covered Call - Results on Shopify