IT’S A MUST FOR BLACKS & LATINOS TO REPENT🕎2 Esdras 16:76 “And the guide of them who keep my commandments and precepts, saith the Lord God: let not your sins weigh you down, and let not your iniquities lift up themselves.”
THE CHRISTIAN FALSE DOCTRINE TEACHES THE CHURCH HAS REPLACED ISRAEL & THE PROMISES OF God CALLED (SUPERSESSIONISM)🕎Baruch 3;5-11 “Behold, we are yet this day in our captivity, where thou hast scattered us, for a reproach and a curse“
ALOT OF SO CALLED BLACK & LATINO PEOPLE LIKE TO USE AN EXCUSE FOR VIOLENCE BECAUSE OF POVERTY🕎Amos 3;1-3 “against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying, 2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth”