Fake News, or Actually Real? I Mean, Even if Real, What Person Asks a Young Adult ‘Why Your Dad, is Your Dad Your Superhero?’ That Infantile Babying Question Will Make Most Laugh—When the Truth is Over 50% Probably Can’t Wait to Escape Them!
EMERGENCY: Democrats Move to Make Gun Ownership in America Illegal as Multiple Cases Hit The Supreme Court, and Biden Promises To Ban Assault Weapons. It's 2 Minutes to Midnight! | #KeepinItReal #YouCanChangeReal #RightNowItsLikeThis
IT'S TIME TO MAKE A BIG DEAL NOW MORE THAT EVER! Small Forms of, Not Only Poor Customer Service, But TYRANNY Have Escalated and Increased Little by Little Throughout Many Patient Years and Decades to Socially Train and Engineer You!
Commenter WAKES UP Becoming Enlightened and Ready to Ascend Now IN REAL TIME!! FINALLY!!! Congrats on Making 5D =) Here's a Tip: Chop Wood & Carry Water Before Enlightenment.. and You Will Chop Wood & Carry Water After Enlightenment!
MANY Have Jumped w/out a Parachute. Abraham Hicks: Don’t Worry, it’ll Be Over Soon! | WE in 5D: We’re at the Checkpoint Where Either You Did it or Didn’t/You Made it or Didn’t. There’s Nothing Left to Help in Mass. Leaving Rumble Shortly!
The World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab Shocked, Upset, and Worried: “A Revolution Against The Elite!” And so, They Will be Making Moves AGAINST YOU FAST in 2024! | Jimmy Dore, Jean Noland.
When You're in Love with Being in Love, and You NEED(Y) to be Loved—This is What You Attract. A Flawed Concept of Love, Where Eventually One Too Many Broken Hearts Can Make for a Corruptible Soul. THIS is Where it All Began! | The MDNA Experience