1. Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 6 Testimony - Almost shot down in enemy territory

    Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 6 Testimony - Almost shot down in enemy territory

  2. Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 5 Testimony - Attacking an enemy base

    Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 5 Testimony - Attacking an enemy base

  3. Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 4 Testimony - Why do those next to you die?

    Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 4 Testimony - Why do those next to you die?

  4. Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 3 Testimony - Chopper downed Mozambique

    Chaplain's Corner - SW Fourie 3 Testimony - Chopper downed Mozambique

  5. Legacy Chaplain's Corner - Testimony of Faith - Johannes du Toit 31 Recce & SWA Recce

    Legacy Chaplain's Corner - Testimony of Faith - Johannes du Toit 31 Recce & SWA Recce

  6. Chaplain's Corner - Frans Fourie - 1 Recce Commander, 4 Recce 2/IC Testimony

    Chaplain's Corner - Frans Fourie - 1 Recce Commander, 4 Recce 2/IC Testimony

  7. Chaplain's Corner - Zane Beswick - Army Chef - Surviving a Car Crash Through Mercy

    Chaplain's Corner - Zane Beswick - Army Chef - Surviving a Car Crash Through Mercy

  8. Legacy Chaplain's Corner - Testimony of Faith - Andre Olivier SARP & SAP

    Legacy Chaplain's Corner - Testimony of Faith - Andre Olivier SARP & SAP

  9. Legacy Chaplain's Corner - Testimony of Faith - Jan Malan 61 Mech &4 & 8 SAI Commander Ep 2

    Legacy Chaplain's Corner - Testimony of Faith - Jan Malan 61 Mech &4 & 8 SAI Commander Ep 2

  10. Chaplain's Corner - Vossie Vorster - Episode 3 - Surviving a helicopter crash at sea

    Chaplain's Corner - Vossie Vorster - Episode 3 - Surviving a helicopter crash at sea

  11. Dying Light gameplay | The EXP-Caliber sword on this game is phenomenal!

    Dying Light gameplay | The EXP-Caliber sword on this game is phenomenal!
