Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson’s Epic Wilmington Speech of October 5th 2023 + Barry Hinckley | Is It Time for a ReDeclaration of Independence? Why Tucker Carlson’s Wilmington Speech Was a Wakeup Call for So Many? + Barry Hinckley
Yuval Noah Harari | "You Have the Epic of Gilgamesh From Thousands of Years Ago About Gilgamesh Who Goes On for How to Overcome Death. Christianity Tells You the Solution to Death Is Christ. No, Death Is a Technical Problem."
Mark of the Beast | "We Got to Do Alot of Epic SH$% When I Was At DARPA. What We Plan to Do Is to Advance A Tattoo That Could Be Used for Authentication. Vitamin Authentication...Has a Small Chip Inside of It." - Google's Regina Dugan
BRICS | Why Are ALL Central Banks Around the World Hoarding Gold NOW? | “Over the Last 3 Years They’ve Printed More Currency Than the Entire History of the United States Before It.”