2 years ago🦊Apple - young vixen fox - warily comes and goes -Amazon Ring unedited LIVESTREAMAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Ajax the urban fox makes an early morning visit to the back door to say hello!Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊2 #foxes 1 bowl - mother and daughter vixens have the BLUES + TALKING FOX !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Last Night I dreamt of #Foxes - a vixen, her cubs and clouds from Amazon Ring DoorbellAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊 There is only one Ajax Queen of her foxy London urban domain - long may she reign.Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊CLOSE UP - Ajax 'our' urban 'fox just standing there smiling and thinking S22 Ultra 4kAjaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊Up close and personal with our lovely urban #fox Ajax at dusk - lovely summer fur ! Wild woman !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years ago🦊The return of Ajax the urban #fox and her 3 baby cubs - they are doing well !Ajaxtheurbanfox
2 years agoAjax our friendly urban fox gets a surprise with a portion of 🐔 in her feed. YummyAjaxtheurbanfox