1. Handless Sending stalkers to my house in the middle of the night the cause damage on my property

    Handless Sending stalkers to my house in the middle of the night the cause damage on my property

  2. A large percentage of the population are working for the state gov stalking and false flags hoaxes

    A large percentage of the population are working for the state gov stalking and false flags hoaxes

  3. the programs prepared doesn't matter where the target goes and false flags crisis actors hoaxes

    the programs prepared doesn't matter where the target goes and false flags crisis actors hoaxes

  4. Controlled op Ballsack says some very interesting information will come out about his involvement.

    Controlled op Ballsack says some very interesting information will come out about his involvement.

  5. after watching this video and you think covid-19 is real your idiot Virginia media shooting hoax

    after watching this video and you think covid-19 is real your idiot Virginia media shooting hoax

  6. after watching this vid and you still think covid-19 is real your an idiot brussels bombings hoax

    after watching this vid and you still think covid-19 is real your an idiot brussels bombings hoax

  7. Is it a Porsche government run organised stalking in Communist Australia and false flags hoaxes

    Is it a Porsche government run organised stalking in Communist Australia and false flags hoaxes

  8. Stalkers in position, waiting for the target to arrive and fales flags hoaxes psy ops gun grab

    Stalkers in position, waiting for the target to arrive and fales flags hoaxes psy ops gun grab

  9. Government run organised stalking Stalker in position filming the target and false flags hoaxes

    Government run organised stalking Stalker in position filming the target and false flags hoaxes
