1 year ago⚠️JOE BIDEN: "NOT TO WORRY - THIS IS UNDER CONTROL" ⚠️QFS, BRICS, GESARA, Crypto, Blockchain, FinancialMarkets, GeoPolitics
1 year agoMore Bank issues. CHAIN REACTION...QFS, BRICS, GESARA, Crypto, Blockchain, FinancialMarkets, GeoPolitics
4 years ago#31 - In High School I had a some life goals, I now give those goals to God - Stephen Burkholderstepburk
4 years ago#22 God is our Protector even in the middle of a major Thunderstorm - by Stephen Burkholderstepburk
4 years ago#22 My First car a Cherry Red Mercedes Benz - A moment of Pride - By Stephen Burkholderstepburk
4 years agoGo with God and Be Flexible - Story of being chased by a wild pig in Cambodia - Stephen Burkholderstepburk
4 years agoThe Joy of The Lord Is your Strength - Teaching the Bible Illustrations by Stephen Burkholderstepburk