Dr. Eric Nepute | CBDCs | What Is the Connection Between CBDCs and Vaccine Passports? | "CBDCs, What Is It Actually Going to Look Like? It Will be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner
Revelation | Are We Living Through the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation? Connecting the Dots Between mRNA Modifying Nano Technology, Brain Chips, Transhumanism, CBDCs and the Book of Revelation
LARGE FIBROUS CLOTS BEING SEEN IN OVER 80% OF PEOPLE Embalmer, Richard Hirschman explains how he’s seeing these large fibrous clots in the majority of his cases.
Censorship | "The Only Way to Ensure That Unelected NGOs Survive, Is To Censor the RIGHT WING Who Criticize Them & Hold Them to Account." - Richard W. Edelman (CEO of Daniel J. Edelman, Inc. PR) + UN Secretary General On Censorship
Richard Werner | “The Goal Is to Introduce the New Central Bank Digital Currencies. It Is the Ultimate Power Grab By the Central Planners to Control the Monetary System In a Centralized Fashion.” - (10/4/23)
The Great Reset | Did President Richard Nixon Help to Launch The Great Reset? Why Is America Prioritizing Celebrating Fornication and Not Military Preparedness?