1. I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6 KJV).

    I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6 KJV).

  2. The place of eternal torment- This place is real. Stop joking around. Please watch this video...

    The place of eternal torment- This place is real. Stop joking around. Please watch this video...

  3. Are you tired and weary?- Watch this Video and be renewed by the power of the Word of God.

    Are you tired and weary?- Watch this Video and be renewed by the power of the Word of God.

  4. Profetiese opsomming- wat gaan aan in die Wereld?Is hy dalk die Antichris? Episode 15 A&W

    Profetiese opsomming- wat gaan aan in die Wereld?Is hy dalk die Antichris? Episode 15 A&W

  5. Hoe weet ons die Bybel is waar?- Ons kyk na Profisieë wat reeds waar geword het. Episode 25 A&W

    Hoe weet ons die Bybel is waar?- Ons kyk na Profisieë wat reeds waar geword het. Episode 25 A&W

  6. Profetiese opsomming: Wat gaan aan in die wereld? Ons lewe in interesante tye! Episode 26 A&W

    Profetiese opsomming: Wat gaan aan in die wereld? Ons lewe in interesante tye! Episode 26 A&W

  7. This is what our Saviour endured at the Cross for us. Please accept His free gift of salvation today

    This is what our Saviour endured at the Cross for us. Please accept His free gift of salvation today

  8. Kanaal afkondiging: Kom ons versprei die evangelie van Jesus Christus na ‘n Sondige Wêreld toe.

    Kanaal afkondiging: Kom ons versprei die evangelie van Jesus Christus na ‘n Sondige Wêreld toe.

  9. The rapture can happen at any day now... Are you ready to meet Jesus in the air? Dont be left behind

    The rapture can happen at any day now... Are you ready to meet Jesus in the air? Dont be left behind

  10. Still considering taking the Vaccine? Please watch this before you roll up your sleeve.

    Still considering taking the Vaccine? Please watch this before you roll up your sleeve.
