4 years agoThey started burning Bibles in the USA- is history repeating itself???The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoRedding in die laaste dae...maak seker jy gaan Hemel toe!!!Episode 1 A&WThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoThis is exactly how the Dispensation of Grace is supposed to end...The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoI am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6 KJV).The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoThe Smart Mark is here- Just as it was predicted in Bible prophecy.The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoOns top 30 bronne vir alternatiewe profetiese nuus. Deel 2 A&W Episode 14The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoOns top 30 bronne vir alternatiewe profetiese nuus. Deel 1 A&W Episode 14The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoThe place of eternal torment- This place is real. Stop joking around. Please watch this video...The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoAre you tired and weary?- Watch this Video and be renewed by the power of the Word of God.The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoProfetiese opsomming- wat gaan aan in die Wereld?Is hy dalk die Antichris? Episode 15 A&WThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoHoe weet ons die Bybel is waar?- Ons kyk na Profisieë wat reeds waar geword het. Episode 25 A&WThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoProfetiese opsomming: Wat gaan aan in die wereld? Ons lewe in interesante tye! Episode 26 A&WThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoThis is what our Saviour endured at the Cross for us. Please accept His free gift of salvation todayThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoKanaal afkondiging: Kom ons versprei die evangelie van Jesus Christus na ‘n Sondige Wêreld toe.The Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoThe rapture can happen at any day now... Are you ready to meet Jesus in the air? Dont be left behindThe Watchman/Die Brandwag
4 years agoStill believe in the evolution theory?- The biggest lie of all time! Dont be deceived!The Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoStill considering taking the Vaccine? Please watch this before you roll up your sleeve.The Watchman/Die Brandwag
3 years agoHow close are we to a 2021 rapture? Some worthy clues to look at...The Watchman/Die Brandwag