When [Cluelessly Asleep, or Deliberately Evil] Illuminati-Establishment Indoctrinated Doctors Won't Prescribe the Ivermectin You Need.. Here's What You Do!
Former FBI Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, Reveals Details of Ritualistic Child Abuse of The Illuminati within Our U.S. Government of Household Names! (Full Workshop)
The Awakening Could’ve Happened a Little Faster. JUST SAYING. This Speech Happened and Yet There is Still Denial, or Little to No Comprehension of the Illuminati—MIND BLOWING!
Good News: U.S. Supreme Court Thwarts Biden Admin(Illuminati) in One of Their Steps Towards Collapsing Society and Eroding American's Rights! | Roman Balmakov, “Epoch Times”.
JAN 6th: Night #2 with Tucker (Version Covered Live by Alex Jones) — OVER ALL EVENT A TOTAL DISAPPOINTMENT | "Forget it.. the Illuminati Took Control!" "I'm a Gauge for Earth-Human Conscious." (Harsh WE in 5D Commentary)
Alex Jones Admits He is a Zen Master, Your “CONTRAST”, One of Your Movers & Shakers Willing to Make You Uncomfortable—and He Doesn’t Have to be an Illuminati Ally, Nor a “Backfill People”. | Annoying Interview on Some Kiddie Show! #Shorts
David Nino Rodriguez Interviews Ex-Pfizer Employee: Vaccine GLOWS, Disturbing Evidence of Gene Manipulation—AKA Mark of The Beast. [NOTE: I Do Not Endorse ANY Biblical (Annunaki/Illuminati) Fear-Mongering NOR Worship!]
The Illuminati Fooled Us GOOD for Eons, But We Tripped Them Up REAL GOOD in the End! #TongueInCheek—AND #TRUTH. Ready for, and Back to 0. Energy! “Brand New Day” by Sting. #ReligionVs5D
The Illuminati Demystified | A Presentation by Jay Dyer (Tailored to Normies—Potentially Fuels and Justifies the Ego of a Jesus-Head, But This is Still Fantastic Historically Accurate Information for the Out-Of-Matrix Objective Sovereign Mind).