2 years agoAmazing BORN "MURGI" Hatching Eggs in chaff to Chicks Born - Crazy Hen Harvesting Eggs to chiicks-2merlicristinaww4051
2 years agoAmazing BORN "MURGI" Hatching Eggs in chaff to Chicks Born - Crazy Hen Harvesting Eggs to chiicks-7merlicristinaww4051
8 months agoOMC! Easter Eggers Brownie and Whitey battle for corn in a sea of Buff Orpingtons!OneMinuteChickens
7 months agoOMC! Spending time with two of my closest Orpington friends! #chickens #hensOneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! Did these gophers scare my flock of chickens away!? #gophers #scared #chickens #shorts #hensOneMinuteChickens
3 months agoOMC! Candid chicken cam - Orpington hen prowls the bushes for bugs, grubs, & greens! #shorts #hensOneMinuteChickens
1 year agoThe hen was surprised!Kittens know how to take care of chicks better than hens.Cute andinteresting😊AMAZING VIDEO
7 months agoOMC! Three hens upset because their favorite nesting box is in use! #upset #chickens #orpingtonOneMinuteChickens
1 year agoFeeder for broilers and chickens from plastic bottles 🐔 is assembled quickly and easilyShe Cook's