Dr. Angelique Coetzee - Physician and President of the South African Medical Association The Corona Committee was formed by four lawyers. It is conducting an evidence review of the Corona crisis and actions.
Schools Were Bribed With Big Money to Keep the Masks on Children—Lawsuits Coming "These schools get the money only if they keep the masks on... 7.8 million dollars went to one high school, Ichabod Crane, and parents said, 'We want to see the
#Donbass refugees share their memories of eight years of war waged against them by the Kiуv regime. 🙏 These days, for the first time in a long time, they can finally feel safe.
No Nazism in Ukraine they said... Ukrainian TV, prime time host quotes Adolf Eichmann (a hardcore SS Nazi, one of the major organisers & masterminds of the Holocaust!) and urges to kill all Russians, including children... slit their throats...
The City of Calgary has essentially made it illegal to engage in an protest of the government without a permit. They state you can’t even protest on a sidewalk or a public park