3 months agoURGENT MESSAGE: Human Race Is Under Attack + How You Could Stop It | Savehumans21 & Liberty TVLiberty TV
16 days agoThis Is What Happens When You Ask the FAKE Astronauts If the Moon Landing Was FAKE | Bart SibrelLiberty TV
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10 months agoThe Satanic NWO Cabal Doesn't Want the World to Know How the Phases of the Moon Are Actually FormedLiberty TV
9 months agoBill Gates = William Henry Gates = 201 = The Jesuit Order ! Bill Gates Is a Cabal/Jesuit Coadjutor !Liberty TV
7 months agoThe Great Debate on the True Nature of the Moon | Harrison Smith vs. Austin Witsit & Vibes of CosmosLiberty TV
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8 months agoAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez ! Expose the MOTHER OF ALL CONSPIRACIES ! Get Rid of the Ruling NWO Cabal !Liberty TV
7 months agoNo Craft Can Land on the Moon's Near/Far Side! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Controlled/Threatened Govts!Liberty TV
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8 months ago1912, 1914 & 1921 Newspapers: The Moon, the Earth's Mirror - 100% Earth's Selfie!Liberty TV
2 days agoBEWARE of Staged/Scripted Interviews, Debates and Discussions on the Flat Earth, Moon Landing, Etc.Liberty TV