8 months agoInt 823 with Duane Hayes aka Diego Garcia a forensic researcherTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
4 months agoInt 916 with Mel Carmine an international podcaster and entrepreneurTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
8 months agoInt 839 with Duane Hayes aka Diego Garcia a forensics historianTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
9 months agoInt 803 with Ryan Veli a military police officer turned business manTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
5 months agoInt 896 with George Webb an independent Investigative Journalist and SuperSluethTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
5 months agoInt 891 with David Parker an Electrical Engineering, author and researcherTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
2 months agoInt 964 with Sue Sproule facing harassment at Air Canada and abandoned by her UnionTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
2 months agoInt 965 with Nancy Thames a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong contactee of ETTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
7 months agoInt 852 with DoeNut a Researcher Filmmaker on Strange Phenomenon's Occult Symbols & Hidden AgendasTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
10 months agoInt 774 with Gary Waterman is a former UK Police Officer exposing corruptionTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
7 months agoInt 845 with Chris Vickory discussing divine conscious simulation theoryTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
4 months agoInt 934 with Nguyen Thi Thuy Quynh a mother fighting to get her kids backTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
3 months agoInt 939 with Robert Frederick a history researcher the British Empire Freemasonry and ShakespeareTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
4 months agoInt 910 with Stephen T Manning an author teacher and public speakerTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
5 months agoInt 886 with Boyd Anderson an Author detailing his experience with the illuminatiTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
5 months agoInt 900 with Dr Judy Mikovits a Christian researcher scientist and TruthseekerTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
5 months agoInt 905 with Dan Willis a Top Secret Military Witnesse to UFOSsTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
5 months agoInt 882 with Ryushin Sean Malone an independent scientist researcher of extraterrestrialsTheMissingLinkLiveVerified
8 months agoInt 832 with Tom Althouse the writer of The Immortals what the matrix was based onTheMissingLinkLiveVerified