Somerset Belenoff, The Countess of Banbury, Head of the World Governing Council (a.k.a. the Satanic Council), CEO of the World Security Office + Upper Chambers
Access Points and Locations, George Washington and (Princess) Diana Spencer, Above Ground Indicators, Paintings + The Tunnel Extends Below the Ocean, William the Conquer 1066, Codes for Opening Spiritual Gates
Descends From Rasputin & Queen Victoria, Physically Manifests in Places, Visits White House, Kremlin and Buckingham Palace, Arrives Unannounced + Jimmy Page, Golden Dawn, Stairway to Heaven, May Queen + Glamis Calling Website, Letter
Ancient Bloodlines, Talking to Elites, Duty to Help (Hubby Runs a Protector Assassin Dept.), Want Protection, To Flee Country + Spiritual Not Legal Issue, Not Permitted by God, Satan Must Ask + 'Highly Charged', Military Term, Deeper Meaning
Kestrel and Tanager Nodes, Luxembourg Cathedral is Notre Dame in Paris, 'Dear Ones' Refers to the Elites in the Brotherhood, Not the General Public + High Level Illuminati Stuck in US, Trump Grounded 757s, Monitoring/Watching the Water
Reptilian, Dragon Bloodlines, Acknowledges Familiar Spirits, Generational + Reptilian Spirits on Earth's Surface, Generational Spirits in the Realm Below, Realm Even Deeper in the Middle of Earth + The Tunnel Systems, Light and Energy, Tesla Tech.