1 year agoDid Mitch McConnell get a deep state beating? Vril in the eyes of Hollywood, Royals, Pope, Politicians.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoThe positive answer to government reports of 100,000's dying each week from the kill shot.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoTito Ortiz, David Rodriguez and I discuss the war against Americans and how we take back our country.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoComing collapse in the stock market on the level of 1929, 85-90% drop. Operation Tomahawk will win!michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoBest selling author Brad Olsen presents new information on Nazi Antarctica.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoNicholas Veniamin and I on Kanye West, Financial Collapse & Smart Metersmichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoDon't "F" with Biden? Or else we try to destroy you in Ukraine, Florida & Nicaraguamichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoDream team of truth annihilates the CIA lies and their false Russian narrative.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoNick Alvear divulges his Netflix of Red Pills, Rabbit Holes & Weird History.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoWhat are the tools necessary to take down the cabal and how do we implement them?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoPanel Discussion of hidden codes in President of the US Trump's speech.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoOne rabbit hole of deceit, lies, death and destruction courtesy of political crime familiesmichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoCompanies that have mandatory vax are losing employees and can't fill positions.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoDEA, CDC and big Pharma are terrorists to people suffering pain by inhumanly restricting pain meds.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoMost sensational news like school shootings are deep state controlled information eventsmichaelj5326Verified
2 years agoBank Runs are coming as Wells Fargo the largest mortgage lender shuts business.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoDeep State locked down in reverse 9/11 event in US and Canada as no fly zones assured capture and/or kill operational success?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoThe ultimate disclosure with Jason Shurka and Ray will soon be out and it will be epic! Watch Free!michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoFBI Raid desperate to cancel midterm elections and create a fake patriot revolt.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoWill there soon be an announcement of Queen Elizabeth II death? Why now?michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoOle Dammegard on CIA Black Operative, Patsies, Oklahoma Bombing and political connections.michaelj5326Verified
2 years agoDark Brandon gave his speech on Sept 1st the same day Nazi's started WWII. Coincidence?michaelj5326Verified