Mother of Caitlin Gotze (23) says: “We were pro vaccine. We thought the people who wouldn’t get the vaccine were silly.......then one day my daughter drops dead from the (Pfizer)”
In the end, it all comes down to the fact that we weren’t dying fast enough, and that more and more of us were questioning the decisions of our (s)elected ‘supreme rulers’.
The "Great Depression", The "Great Famine", The "Great Leap Forward", The "Great Reset" 15 Minute Cities - The United Nations Population Control Agendas Are Nothing New!
COVID "Vaccine" Injured Mother Says Blood Work Confirms Spike Protein Still In Her Body 603 Days After Vaccination - "I have test results showing spike protein was still present and wreaking havoc in my body 603 days after my last Moderna v
Edmonton Freedom Rally To Raise awareness about Agenda 2030 and encourage individuals to take action against the goals of Agenda 2030, including the 15-minute city concept.
"No tanks, no planes, no missiles to Ukraine!' 🇫🇷 In Paris, they protest against the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The protesters also cut the NATO flag.