"Seatbelt Psychic" Marathon: Christian Pastor is Challenged, Parents Receive Important Communication From Passed-on Son, a Daughter Reconnects with Her Father on the Day She Needs it Most, and More!
The Unique Life of David Adair (4-Part Interview): From Child Prodigy to Area 51 Visitor to Forced Recruitment into the U.S. Navy to the Revelations of Moon Secrets and Suppressed Space Technologies! | Michael Salla, “Exopolitcs Today.
SIGHTINGS: U.S. Military Merging Alien Technology with Their Own, Investigating Alien Abductions—Are They Warning Humanity of Something?, and What is the True Face of Aliens?.. + More! [Vintage TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Exposing Deep State PsyOps Hiding the Truth about Alien Life and Transformative Technologies | Dan Willis Interviewed on Michael Salla's "Exopolitics Today"