Grammys | Why Are Madonna & Sam Smith Pushing the Satan Theme at Grammys Sponsored By Pfizer? Explaining the Entire CBDC, Neural Link, Quantum Dot, Quantum Computing, Quantum Stamp, CBDC Quant & 666 Great Reset Agenda
Jackassery | "Pull Up Your Calendar & It's Going to Tell You What You Are Going to Do Tomorrow!" - Doctor Zoellner + Discover How Clay Clark & Dr. Zoellner Find the Time to Build Several Multi-Million Dollar Companies
Securing Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things using Particle Swarm Optimization and Artificial Neural Networks based parameter profiling - ScienceDirect
Dr. Zoellner | What Would Z Do? Doctor Robert Zoellner Teaches the 10 Principles He Uses to Start Several Multi-Million Dollar Businesses + Join Tebow At Clay Clark's Dec 5-6 2024 Business Conference (Recorded 2018)
ARE YOU READY FOR THE UGLY TRUTH? - REMOTE NEURAL MONITORING - HACKING THE BRAIN - YES, YOURS! What are these nano particles injections for, actually.. The idea is to read & write, into the brain function. In real time. Remotely. ~Dr James Giordano