BLACK WOMAN EXPLAINS LIBERAL BLACK WOMEN...ITS TIME FOR YOU DAUGHTERS OF ZION BLACKS & BLACK LATINO WOMEN TO REPENT.🕎 Micah 7:10 “Then she that is mine enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover her which said unto me, Where is the LORD thy God
ON DEMAND! Nov.3,'24 Kamala's Bribes & Money Laundering via underground Chinese Banks, Kamala Harris works for George Soros, Front Lawyer for Sinaloa and Riady Narcotics Cartels, held a Ghislaine Maxwell job for Soros!
“DATING & MARRYING THE WHITE MAN IS ANOTHER FLIMSY EXCUSE USED TO GET OUT OF SUBMITTING TO THE BLACK MAN” 🕎 1 Esdras 8:70-77 “For both they and their sons have married with their daughters, and the holy seed is mixed with the strange people