CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
Elon Musk | "I'm Somewhat Encouraged By China's Willingness to Engage In AI (Artificial Intelligence) Regulation. I Did Point Out That If You Get Some Literal Super Intelligence It Might Be In Charge of China Instead of You." 6/13/2023
Pneumonia | Is Scamdemic 2.0 Around the Corner In Time for Election Season? "Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First CRISPR / Gene Therapies to Treat Patients + Gilgamesh?
Pneumonia | Is Scamdemic / Pandemic 2.0 Around Corner Just In Time for Election Season? "Hospitals In Ohio & Mass Tracking Surge of Pneumonia Cases & Similar Outbreaks In China." - News Nation + FDA Approves First Gene Therapies to Treat
China | China Updates: India Is Urgently Monitoring Chinese Vessels Within Indian Ocean, Chinese New Invasion Barges & China Forces Uyghurs to Provide Video Proof They Are Not Fasting
BRICS | BRICS 2024 Summit Summary | 18 States Applied for BRICS Membership, BRICS 13 Adds New Partner Countries, China, Russia Pushes for BRICS Clearing Managed By China's New Development Bank + BRICS Pay
General Flynn | Are We Going to See a JESUS Revolution or Is the Biden Administration Turning Over U.S. Sovereignty to the China Communist Party-Controlled World Health Organization? Or Are We Seeing Both? w/ Donné Clement Petruska
General Flynn | A Message for America: Biden, CBDCs & the Patriots Trying to Save the U.S. + Why Did Obama, Biden, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, Rice, Yates Meet Jan. 5th 2017 In the Oval Office? What's the Relationship Between Biden & China?