19 days agoSlavic Full Gospel Church ThanksGiving Celebration Service 112824Slavic Full Gospel Church
13 days agoBible Study on the Gospel of Matthew "as thou hast believed" - (chapter 8)BrotherMatthewCCT
1 year agoCliffe & Stuart Knechtle at TX State - It is Objectively True...Or Just TrueGive Me an Answer
1 year agoStuart Knechtle - Does Scientism Destroy History, the Humanities and Philosophy?Give Me an Answer
7 days agoMike and Daniel Blackaby- Communicating the Gospel in an Emotionally Driven CultureDiscerningDad
13 days agoBible study on Gospel of Matthew "Sheep in the midst of Wolves" (ch10 pt4)BrotherMatthewCCT
12 days agoBible study on the Gospel of Matthew "In vain do they worship me" (ch15 pt2)BrotherMatthewCCT
12 days agoBible study on the Gospel of Matthew "The tree is known by its fruit" ch12 pt3BrotherMatthewCCT
13 days agoBible Study on the Gospel of Matthew "Jesus seeing their faith" - (ch 9 pt2)BrotherMatthewCCT
15 days agoBible study on the Gospel of Matthew "The Temptation in the wilderness"-(ch 4)BrotherMatthewCCT