Abraham Hicks—Most TRUTHERS are This: Christ Consciousness Vs. The Illuminati Control System That MOST (Even Anti-Illuminati) People Adhere and Conform to in [SUBCONSCIOUS] Appeasement of Their Ego! (That's Literally Most "Truthers")
Abraham Hicks—Take it Up a Notch: Learn to Know What You Want WITHOUT Having to Release the Desire for it, and Manifest it Anyway! (Opening Monologue from a Rare 1993 Seminar) | Vintage Abraham Hicks #LawOfAttraction
The Illuminati Fooled Us GOOD for Eons, But We Tripped Them Up REAL GOOD in the End! #TongueInCheek—AND #TRUTH. Ready for, and Back to 0. Energy! “Brand New Day” by Sting. #ReligionVs5D
Abraham Hicks—When You DROP DEAD You’ll Have EVERYTHING You’ve Been Trying to Reach and Become, BUT You Don’t Need to Croak to Achieve Everything You Want! And YET No One is Suggesting You Should Never Experience Negativity. What Does This Mean?
Why the Rightwing is it’s Own Worst Enemy (Drama, Accusations, Low Creativity/Limited Art, Self-Imposed Depression), Why Liberals Have an Advantage, and the Lack of Understanding Light & Dark. FINALLY—Open Discussions, Solutions, Celebrations!
Whistleblower with HIGHEST Possible Level of U.S. Government Clearance ADMITS We Have Non-Human ET Crafts! | This is Totally Elite Preparation for Project Blue Beam—At Least We’ll Get Some Excitement, But They’re Now at Top-Level Desperation!!
Bashar—The Influence of the Illuminati. | You are Not Trying to Eradicate the Illuminati (You Think So, But Your Soul Knows Better). SOURCE IS ALL, and Dark Will ALWAYS Exist for the Student-Souls. You’re Working to Ascend Beyond That Hardcore School!
The Subconscious Mind Holds ALL of Your Power, Powerlessness, and Potential Power! It is the Cause for Expression of DNA. It is Why Disease (E.g. Cancer) Lies within the Ancestral Lineages (DNA) of Some, and may Express itself if Ignited. | Bradley Nelson
ASCENSION | Your BEST Understanding of The Matrix—and it’s Relation to the Balancing of Your Masculine/Feminine Energy, and Unhealthy Patterns Caused by the Lack of Balance!
So True: This is Possibly the #1 Issue Tarot Readers Find in Their Clients—Make Room for the NEW! (#OrbAlert at 0.07.. the Orb Agrees) | “The Autistic Mystic” on YouTube. #SuperShorts
RFK Jr. on His Son’s Ayahuasca Journey | While Trump is the Most Centrist (it Just Means Sane) Republican, and Even the Most Centrist President of any Party in a Long Time, RFK Jr. is the Balance Ideal in a Hypothetical Trump/Kennedy Run.