Maui Fires | A DEEP DIVE: Discover 47 FACTS About the Maui Fires w/ Dr. Stella Including: The Police Chief? What's JUMPSmartMaui Project? What's Biden's Inflation Reduction Act About? Why Did Maui Not Allow Water to Combat the Fire?
Lab-Grown Babies? | "Scientists Make Fertility Breakthrough, Growing A Baby Lamb In An Artificial Womb. The Team of Physicians Is In talks with the FDA. Clinical Trials Slated to Begin In Next 3 to.5 Years." - World Economic Forum (May 3rd 2017)
Maui Fires | "Maui's Department of Land & Natural Resources Delayed Release of Water for Hours." + "We Will Build It Back Better." - Hawaiin Governor Josh Green | 6uild 6ack 6etter? "Build Back Better." Joe Biden
Dr. Rashid Buttar | Executive Order 14067 | “The Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control On the Rules and Regulations That Will Determine the Use of (currency) That Central Bank Liability." - Agustín Carstens (Bank for International Settlements)
Maui Fires | "To Stop These Disasters from Getting Even Worse We Have to Cut the Carbon Pollution That Is Driving the Climate Crisis And That Is What the Inflation Reduction Act Is All About." - John Podesta (Senior Advisor to Biden / Harris Adm