Dollar Collapse | Did the Petrodollar Just Collapse As the Digital Chinese Digital Yuan Was Used for the FIRST TIME EVER to Settle a Crude Oil Transaction with Saudi Arabia? De-Dollarization Is HERE!!
Marina Abramović | How Do You Correctly Prononounce Marina Abramović? Marina Abramo-Witch | "I Was Just So Happy That He Said the Name Exactly Correct (ABRAMO-WITCH), It's the First Time It's Happened Today." - Marina Abramović
Think And Grow Rich | Listen to the Think & Grow Rich FULL AUDIO BOOK | "This book changed my life when I first applied the principles found in this book (1999-2000). However, if anything in this book conflicts w/ The Bible. Go w/ The Bible."
Elon Musk & Rishi Sunak | "If You Have An A.I. That Remembers All of Your Interactions & Will Actually Have a Great Friend." - Musk + "For the First Time In History It's Possible to Completely Eliminate Privacy." - Yuval