2 years agoCOFFEE CHAT || Real Obiwan Kenobi - Legacy 16 vs Fauxbiwan Kenobi & is George Lucas Racist?O.G. Starwars
1 year agoCANTINA NIGHT || Exar Kun - His Sith Journey, Lore Talk, Cringe Factor and more!O.G. Starwars
6 days agoSTARTER | FINISHER (JFK could still splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces) #DeClasRedPillAnons
1 year agoCAF CHAT || New Jedi Order vs Disney Order and Would Mara Jade Fit Easily into the Disney Lore?O.G. Starwars
1 year agoCAF CHAT BREIFING || EU Dead, Move On? Let's talk as I Reveal New Addition to My Library.O.G. Starwars
2 years agoFake News || Obiwan Series Fixes George Lucas's Movies with Hero's Journey? and more......O.G. Starwars
2 years agoDisney Lucas Film Fails to Give Credit to the Late Tom Veitch Creator of The Tales of the JediO.G. Starwars