CBDCs | "Everything You Do, Everything You Say and Everything You Buy Is Controlled and Evaluated by the Authorities. It's Not Science Fiction. In China It's a Reality. From Now On Citizens Lives Are Rated and Assessed." - France24
CBDCs | “The CBDCs Here In the United States Are a Really Bad Idea Here In the U.S. The Main Argument Is They Say China Is Doing It and the Dollar Would Be Less Strong If the U.S. Fails to Keep Up.” - Vivek Ramaswamy
Henry Kissinger | On Jan. 17th 2017 President Trump Was Sworn In As the 45th President of the U.S., China's President Xi Jinping Delivered A Keynote At the WEF & Klaus Schwab Said to Kissinger, "We Can Create a New World Order."
The Great Reset & China's Role | "I Respect China's Achievements Which Are Tremendous Over the Past 40 Years. It's a Role Model for Many Countries." - Klaus Schwab + "The WEF & The U.N. Are Using the W.H.O. to Trap Us
Julie Green | On Jan. 17th 2017 President Trump Was Sworn In As the 45th President of the U.S., China's President Xi Jinping Delivered A Keynote At the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab Said, "We Can Create a New World Order."
China | Is China Building Secret Corporate Militia & Preparing for War? + Peter Navarro Delivers Serious Wakeup Call at CPAC, "The Most Serious 6 Minutes You Are Going To Have In This Whole Thing (CPAC)."
CBDC | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are a Tracking Tool. The Dollar Standard Globally Is No Longer Being Respected. China & Russia Are Trading Oil In Rubles. Four Years Ago This Would Have Be Unimaginable." - Maajid Nawaz (4/27/2023)
China | Why Is Putin Planning to Travel to China to Meet With Xi Jinping? | Why Are High-Level Chinese Officials Disappearing? Is China Building 'Ethnic Specific' Bio Weapons That Can Target People Based on Race?
The Great Reset | "What Is Klaus Schwab's Great Reset? China, That's What's Coming. It's Beyond the Imagination of MOST People. No Action, No Traveling, Unless the QR Code Is Saying That They Can Do It." - David Icke
BRICS | China Expects Major Economic Growth After Ditching US Dollar + Why Is China Making Man-Made Island Bases? + What Is China’s Skynet Mass Surveillance Project Created In 2005
The Great Reset | The Rise of Klaus Schwab, China & the Fourth Reich | The Connection Between Nixon, China, the Gold Standard, the World Economic Forum, Genetic Editing, Luciferase-Based Bio Censors and CBDCs
Revelation 16: 12-14 | Did the Bible Prophesy That China & Russia Would Team Up & the False Prophet Would Show Up When the Euphrates River Dried Up? Understanding- Yuval Noah Harari, China & Russia, the Euphrates, AI & the Gilgamesh Projec
Kash Patel | “You Tell Congress They Are Not Receiving Another Dollar Until Anthony Fauci Gets His Ass On Stage Under Oath And Testifies Truthfully About Why He Lied For The Last Two Years About The China Virus.” - Kash Patel
Canada's Justin Trudeau | "Admiration That I Actually Have for CHINA Because Their Basic Dictatorship Is Allowing Them to Actually Turn Their Economy Around On a Dime and to Go Green Fastest."
CHINA | Why Is China Welcoming Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Announce a Strategic Partnership & to Negotiate a Peace Deal Between Israel & Palestine? Kings of the East | Euphrates
Israel | Why China Supporting Palestine? Why Has Israel Gone Missing from the Chinese Communist Party Approved Maps? With Special Guest & EPOCH TIMES China Investigative Journalist Nathan Su
Israel | Why Did China Remove Israel from the Chinese Communist Party Approved Maps? Why Has China Deleted Israel from the Chinese Communist Party Approved Maps?
Yuval Noah Harari | “Organisms Are Really Algorithms, And Therefore Algorithms Can Hack Organisms." + "China Is Using Gene-Editing and Brain Control Weapons to Advance Its Military and to Crush Dissent."
Steve Cioccolanti | Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? | Revelation 16:12-14 | Why Did the Kings of the East (China & Russia) Team Up While Euphrates Dried Up & The False Prophet Showed Up? + Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Hezbollah, Syria, Russia & China