STOP the REINCARNATION TRAP: The Afterlife, Quantum Travel, and The Annunaki Recycling Bin! (Isabella is a Starseed Volunteer Who Ended Up Getting Stuck Here) | Isabella Greene on the Passion Harvest Podcast
YUP, We're Doing The SAME Things as The Elite.. But What’s The Difference Here? — The Dissolution of Religion: END TIMES/The End of 3D! | PART 3 OF A JEAN NOLAN [“INSPIRED”] SERIES
Commenter WAKES UP Becoming Enlightened and Ready to Ascend Now IN REAL TIME!! FINALLY!!! Congrats on Making 5D =) Here's a Tip: Chop Wood & Carry Water Before Enlightenment.. and You Will Chop Wood & Carry Water After Enlightenment!
April 8th: CERN Attempts to Shift the Timeline! — Jean Nolan’s “Inspired” | WE in 5D- Your Meditations Now to Harness the Moon/Eclipse Energies (The Same The Illuminati Are Always Hijacking) Have Never Been So Important!
The Event That Will Change Everything — Jean Nolan, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: I Cannot Tell You How Accurate This is to the Personal Conversations I Have with Relevant People in My Life.
Is REVOLUTION Happening Again?: The Illuminati Vs. Independence Day — Jean Nolan, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: I Agree with Everything Jean Nolan is Sharing Here!
The Program “Democracy” Runs Deep (So Does the “Q” PsyOp—and We’ll Get to That Too). Benjamin Franklyn: Democracy is Nothing More Than Mob-Rule Where 51% Get to Take Away the Rights of, and Trample Over the Other 49%! | Jean Nolan, INSPIRED.