1. 9 More Women Sue Bill Cosby for Sex Crimes + Fake Outrage by Advocates of Other Predators

    9 More Women Sue Bill Cosby for Sex Crimes + Fake Outrage by Advocates of Other Predators

  2. Queen Elizabeth II Dies & Black Twitter Trends - Ignorance Ensues When THE ORCS Make News

    Queen Elizabeth II Dies & Black Twitter Trends - Ignorance Ensues When THE ORCS Make News

  3. Tyler Perry Supports Coco Jones, Unbans Chief Keef & Makes the BET Awards Hood Again?

    Tyler Perry Supports Coco Jones, Unbans Chief Keef & Makes the BET Awards Hood Again?

  4. Restaurant owner turns tables on blackmailer by shaming him on Facebook

    Restaurant owner turns tables on blackmailer by shaming him on Facebook

  5. Tennessee Reinstates Justin Jones, Proving NOT White Privilege Once Again + Afro MLK Gets What?

    Tennessee Reinstates Justin Jones, Proving NOT White Privilege Once Again + Afro MLK Gets What?

  6. Divestors Drooling Over What They Wish They Could Get 🆚️ What They Get 😂😂😂

    Divestors Drooling Over What They Wish They Could Get 🆚️ What They Get 😂😂😂

  7. Sussex squad want to move to "black twitter", why? Will it benefit them?

    Sussex squad want to move to "black twitter", why? Will it benefit them?

  8. Black Billionaires of Oppression Tyler Perry & Byron Allen, Battle to Buy B.E.T.

    Black Billionaires of Oppression Tyler Perry & Byron Allen, Battle to Buy B.E.T.

  9. Comedian DL Hughley & Rapper N.O.R.E. Want Dana White Cancelled Because He's White

    Comedian DL Hughley & Rapper N.O.R.E. Want Dana White Cancelled Because He's White

  10. Michael B. Jordan's Political Relationship is OVER, He's Returning to White Girl Magic?

    Michael B. Jordan's Political Relationship is OVER, He's Returning to White Girl Magic?

  11. Juneteenth Advertisement with White People upsets Black Twitter

    Juneteenth Advertisement with White People upsets Black Twitter

  12. Malcom X - Once there is a strong free Africa there will be a strong free African people globally.

    Malcom X - Once there is a strong free Africa there will be a strong free African people globally.

  13. Khaddi Sagnia, Fatal Training for the Long Jump A must

    Khaddi Sagnia, Fatal Training for the Long Jump A must

  14. George Takei Called Clarence Thomas A CLOW IN BLACKFACE - Hollywood Hate Non-Woke Blacks

    George Takei Called Clarence Thomas A CLOW IN BLACKFACE - Hollywood Hate Non-Woke Blacks
