Suicide pod’ death leads to arrests/ 1970 Hearing Reveals ADHD as Government-Funded Drug Experiment on Children/Putin orders changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine /NATO Prepares Mass Evacuation and Rescue Plans as Senior General Warns of World War 3 wi
WEF Insider: Elite Planning WW3 ‘Within Weeks’ To Rebuild World From Nuclear Ashes/Marjorie Taylor Greene Threatens Congress With Release of Jeffrey Epstein Files/In real head-turner, 3 aircraft carriers sail out of San Diego Bay in one day/Over 300 p
Netanyahu says illegal occupation of Syrian land is ‘forever’ /Trump Taps RFK Jr To Lead ‘Urgent’ Investigation Into Childhood Vaccine-Autism Links/Ashton Kutcher Planning to Flee US To Escape Diddy Subpoena/ Caitlin Clark Is Named Time Mag’s At
Rothschilds knew that Palestine was a strategic place for the crimes they planned to commit/Milton Downgraded To Dangerous Cat. 4 As Crosshairs Locked On Florida's Gulf Coast/is this still going in our fast food places